Senior Student Council letter

Senior Student Council letter


Senior Student Council 2017/18


Dear Parent/Carer,

The Senior Student Council serves an important purpose in providing leadership to all the pupils in the school. They form an important link with the Headteacher and the Depute Headteachers and meet with these Senior staff on a regular basis. The Senior Student Council members are often called on to represent the school at events in and out of school.

The Senior Student Council comprises the following positions:

Head Boy

Head Girl

Deputy Head Boy

Deputy Head Girl

School Captain – Boy

School Captain – Girl

House Captains – two from each of Allermuir, Braidlaw, Caerketton and Darrach Houses

S6 pupils who wish to be considered for a position on the Senior Student Council must submit a typed letter of application to the Headteacher no later than the end of school (3:35pm) on Thursday 8 June 2016.

The letter of application must comply with the following criteria:

  • Clearly state the name and class of the applicant
  • Detail the qualities they would bring to the Senior Student Council
  • Detail the wider activities they have been involved in as a pupil at Firrhill
  • Be a maximum of 350 words
  • Include an accurate word count

Late applications and those not complying with all these criteria will not be considered.

S6 pupils will be informed of these details at their assembly on Monday June 5th but I would appreciate you passing these details on to your child so, if they are interested, they can get a ‘head start’ on their application.


Following the close of applications a short-list of applicants will be drawn up and short-listed pupils will be notified directly of the details of the next stage of the selection process.

All members of the Senior Student Council are also Prefects and the following expectations apply to them as they do to all prefects:

  • At all times be ambassadors for Firrhill High School
  • Attend all classes reliably and punctually
  • Wear full school uniform including a blazer
  • At all times act as a positive role model for all pupils in the school
  • Carry out prefect duties as allocated by the prefect duty rota
  • Assist at school events such as Parents’ Nights, School Productions, Parent Information Evenings, Open Sessions, act as School Guides for visitors including prospective staff and parent visitors*
  • Act as mentors and/or ‘buddies’ for younger pupils in the school
  • Attend all relevant prefect training

Being a prefect at Firrhill is an opportunity to develop new skills and abilities which employers, training providers as well as further and higher education institutions all value highly. In addition, it is one way that senior pupils can give something back to the school community that has supported them through their earlier years at school.

I look forward to receiving, and reading, many high-quality applications.


Graham Hamilton


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