12 FebUniform Focus Week (19-23 February)
Uniform Focus Week (19-23 February)
Dear Parent/Carer,
At the last meeting of the Whole School Council pupils raised their frustrations that whilst the great majority of pupils follow the school dress code some do not. The Whole School Council suggested that a pupil-led uniform focus week would be a good way to revisit and reinforce the messages around school uniform and to encourage an improved wearing of uniform by pupils. I was very pleased to approve their suggestion.
All pupils will be briefed by members of the Senior Student Council about what will happen during the focus week in House assemblies.
During the week beginning February 19th the following activities will be taking place:
- Prefects will visit classes during registration once or twice to remind pupils about uniform expectations.
- On Friday morning during registration prefects will come to each registration class and do a uniform check. Every pupil in full correct uniform will gain 2 House Points, those with any incorrect/missing uniform AND a uniform slip will gain 1 point. Those not in correct uniform and without a uniform slip will score no points for their House.
- Separate arrangements will be made for checking S1 classes who have an assembly scheduled for Friday 23 February.
- House Points will be totalled and the overall House scores publicised to identify the ‘best-dressed’ House. These points will also contribute to the overall House championship.
The following items sometimes cause confusion so I have included some guidance to assist you in the conversations you may be having with your child about uniform:
Outdoor Jackets – these can be worn in corridors (this is easier than carrying them) but must be removed in classrooms. If a black hoodie has a full-length zip it is classed as a jacket and needs to be removed in class.
Non-black tops/hoodies etc. – these are not part of the uniform and are not outdoor jackets. They should be removed whilst in the school building – including the corridors, social and dining areas. Whatever the type of top being worn the school tie should be visible whilst in school.
Denim Jackets/Leather Jackets – these do not provide warmth or good protection from the elements. They are often worn as a fashion statement and are not suitable in school and should not be worn inside the school buildings.
Logos – any top with a logo (even if the top is black) is not school uniform and should not be worn inside school at any time.
These regulations apply to when pupils are inside school buildings. Pupils can wear jackets, hoodies and the like to and from school and when outside during morning break or lunchtime.
The half-term holiday next week is an ideal opportunity to replace any items of uniform that have worn out or become too small. A number of different retailers sell uniform items with trousers and jumpers available from as little as £3.
Information on the school dress code can be found on the school website at:
Uniform at Firrhill is, on the whole, very good. I thank you again for your efforts as parents/carers in making this happen. This pupil-led initiative will hopefully make it even better.
This is the first time, that I know of, where pupils have taken such a lead in trying to persuade and encourage their fellow pupils to take greater pride in wearing their uniform. I hope you will support them by reinforcing the messages about uniform with your child(ren).
I will also take this opportunity to wish you a good half-term break and, as always, hope you find some time to spend with family and friends.
Graham Hamilton
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