27 FebRRS Silver Award
Rights Respecting Schools Silver Award: Rights Aware
Dear Parent/Carer,
I am delighted to announce that following our assessment visit Firrhill has been accredited with the unicef UK Rights Respecting Schools Silver: Rights Aware Award. The second stage of the Rights Respecting Schools Award.
We are the first school in the UK to have achieved Silver under the new UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools criteria. Firrhill again at the cutting edge!
The Silver: Rights Aware Award is awarded by unicef UK to schools who show good progress towards embedding children’s rights in the school’s policy, practice and ethos. We have shown at Firrhill that we are continuing to make progress, learning about rights in natural ways across the curriculum, through training, assemblies and focused events. Our young people are developing as rights respecting citizens, as well as modelling rights respecting attitudes.
The visiting assessors praised the warm welcome they received from staff, parent council and, in particular, our pupils. I would like to extend a huge thank you to the staff and pupil RRS working groups, who have committed a great deal of time each week to ensuring our school continues to develop positive relationships, encourage an ethos of respecting the rights of all within Firrhill, and promoting the principles of dignity, participation, fairness and equality for everyone.
Whilst this is most certainly a team effort, every successful team needs a great leader. Consequently, I am very pleased to highlight the work that Mrs Kerr has done to lead the many individuals, staff and pupils, involved in this process and who has been instrumental in pulling together the huge amount of evidence we have to demonstrate how the Convention has been embraced and embedded across so many aspects of school life.
Gaining the Silver: Rights Aware Award is a celebration of the hard work and effort put in across the Firrhill community: staff, pupils and parents/carers.
Well done!
Next stop Gold!
Graham Hamilton
27 February 2018
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