15 MarHT Results Summary August 2019

Provisional Results 2018-19
Dear Parent/Carer,
The results for the 2018/19 academic year, which were released earlier this month, are presented below.
These are a summary of results using the benchmarks that have been used for some time. These are one way of considering results and whilst they are useful in comparing year on year performance they cannot show the full picture of attainment and achievement.
These are very good results, especially for S5 and S6. These figures represent the position on the day of results publication and some will change as post-results reviews and the addition of N4 results gained through Recognising Positive Achievement are added.
In the following table Level 3 refers to National 3, Level 4 to National 4, Level 5 to National 5, Level 6 to Higher and Level 7 to Advanced Higher.
By the end of S4
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | |
5 @ Level 3+ | 89% | 94% | 77% | 83% |
5 @ Level 4+ | 83% | 93% | 75% | 80% |
5 @ Level 5+ | 51% | 65% | 51% | 51% |
S4 pupils performed very similarly to last year. Considering the prior attainment of this year group these are a good set of results and a credit to the pupils and to their teachers as well as to you, their parents and carers.
As last year if we consider D grades – still a pass at National 5 the picture shows a slight improvement with 63% of pupils in S4 gaining 5 or more National 5 awards at A-D grade. This is up on last year (61%) and not far short of the record-setting 2016 year (66%).
By the end of S5
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | |
1 @ Level 6+ | 62% | 66% | 72% | 73% |
3 @ Level 6+ | 43% | 44% | 55% | 48% |
5 @ Level 6+ | 23% | 25% | 27% | 24% |
A very good set of results for this year group which compares very favourably with the previous best-ever figures. Indeed, the percentage of pupils gaining at least one Higher is the best ever. The solid performances by those gaining three or more and those gaining five Higher passes in S5 is very encouraging and suggests that the additional time allocated to subjects in S4 is helping to provide a stronger platform for study at Higher level.
It should also be noted that this year group, as in S4, were faced with brand new Higher exams many of which were longer than in previous years.
The pupils have coped admirably well and should be very proud of their collective achievement.
By the end of S6
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | |
1 @ Level 6+ | 70% | 64% | 72% | 77% |
3 @ Level 6+ | 51% | 51% | 53% | 62% |
5 @ Level 6+ | 42% | 38% | 42% | 50% |
1 @ Level 7+ | 27% | 23% | 34% | 34% |
As has become the norm for this year group they have achieved another record-breaking set of results. Best-ever figures for the percentage of pupils gaining passes in 1, 3 or 5 or more Highers and tying the record for passes at Advanced Higher.
It is clear that, once again, S6 pupils saw through the commitments they made in starting their courses and have collected a very good set of results. The percentage of pupils gaining five or more Highers is much higher than ever achieved before and sets quite a benchmark for those following to aim at.
Good results do not appear by magic but are the result of years of hard work by the pupils ably supported by their teachers, other staff and, of course, their parents. Whilst we rightly congratulate the young people on their achievements I would also like to thank all the staff and parents who have contributed so much to these successful results.
The results of whole year groups serve as a useful starting point for our analysis of performance but the key measure is really how well each individual pupil has done. To aim for and achieve your personal best is as good as anyone can do and within these group results there are tremendous individual successes.
For some of our young people their ambition, quite correctly, is to attain the top grades in all their examinations and I am very pleased to tell you that in the S4 year group there were 23 pupils who achieved seven A grades at National 5. That represents well over 10% of the year group.
In S5 there were 9 pupils who achieved five A grades at Higher and a further two pupils who gained 4 A grades at Higher and an A in an Advanced Higher. There were two other S5 pupils who also passed an Advanced Higher this year. Advanced Highers are normally studied in S6 so those grades represent a tremendous achievement by those four pupils.
In S6 there were 5 pupils who achieved three A grades at Advanced Higher, including one with all three at Band 1. There was also one pupil who achieved 4 A grades at Advanced Higher. Those are quite remarkable results and represent not just a very high standard of academic rigour but also a discipline and commitment to work that will carry them far.
Many of these results embody our collective effort to be excellent in all we do. However, there is still plenty of room to improve and, as last year, our in-service training programme for staff is very clearly focused on excellence in learning, excellence in teaching and excellence in assessment.
We want to raise the level of challenge for every pupil so that we are providing the opportunity for every pupil to make as much progress as they are capable of. If we get that right then we will be enabling every pupil to attain their personal best.
The following pages list the results for all subjects who presented pupils for certification in 2019.
Graham Hamilton
August 2019
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