Our Senior Student Council have organised a new whole school wellbeing challenge that starts this Friday. It is open to all across our school community and our student council hope that many will choose to take part!

The idea behind it is to promote collaboration as a school and to support a local Mental Health Charity that works with young people. This year has been tough for many young people and their families, particularly in terms of their Mental Health,  and by raising money for this charity the senior Student Council are keen to show their support.

The challenge is for each pupil to get sponsored in undertaking 30 minutes of exercise this weekend. It could be walking, running, cycling, skateboarding, or another activity. The key is for the exercise to last at least 30 minutes between Friday morning to Monday inclusive! The money pupils raise can be submitted through our school ParentPay accounts. Pupils can also hand money to the school office in an envelope if their parent doesn’t have a ParentPay account set up.

The senior Student Council are also offering prizes by way of Amazon vouchers for the best photographs taken during the challenge – the best wildlife photo, the best weather photo and the overall best creative scenic photo! Further details are on our Pupils’ Microsoft Year Teams, including the QR code which can be scanned by pupils who wish to submit their photos. House points will be awarded for the house that raises the most sponsorship too!

Thank you for your support.

Senior Student Council.

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