Virtual P7 Open Evening
In ordinary circumstances, we would invite our incoming S1 cohort and their parents/carers to the school for a tour of the building and the Faculties.
Instead, this year we have prepared a Virtual Tour which will give you the opportunity to have a look around the school from the comfort of your own home!
Using the map of the school below, navigate your way around the Faculties by clicking on the flashing location pins. Now that there are no crowded corridors to squeeze through, you can visit the Faculties in any order you like and replay or pause the clips as many times as you need to.
Having heard from our Head Teacher Mr Hamilton (above) you’ll find our Depute Head Teachers waiting to welcome you to Firrhill High School.
Mr Isdale is at the Entrance alongside Lewis and Reyhan, our Head Boy and Head Girl. Mrs Clegg is in the library and Mr Else is in the SLT corridor. Look for the orange icons to view their videos.
The map will be most accessible when viewing on a desktop or tablet; if you’re using a mobile device, it will work better in landscape.