S2 Full report parents letter Feb 2016
This is a top-level page. You could use this to direct users to pages in this category or for something else independent.
In general, the title ‘information’ is useless as it casts a very broad net – everything is information. In order to make it meaningful for this template, this section should be reserved for adminstrative-type information, such as that included already.
Never copy content from the Council’s site. Please link there instead. If you don’t own the content, don’t give yourself more work by copying it. You cannot be sure you are providing accurate or up to date information.
Useful links
Must be linked to somewhere on the site – links already on dedicated child pages in this template:
- www.edinburgh.gov.uk/termdates – term dates
- www.edinburgh.gov.uk/schoolgrants – free school meals and clothing grants
- www.edinburgh.gov.uk/schoolplaces – Admissions information
- www.edinburgh.gov.uk/schools – all the school information on the Council site
- www.edinburgh.gov.uk/ema – Education Maintenance Allowance
- www.edinburgh.gov.uk/foodinschools – general meal information
- www.edinburgh.gov.uk/schoolmeals – school lunch menus
- www.edinburgh.gov.uk/parents – parental engagement information, including details of parent groups
- www.edinburgh.gov.uk/educationcomplaints – Advice and Conciliation – complaints about Children and Families establishments
- www.edinburgh.gov.uk/ecoschools – Eco Schools
- www.edinburgh.gov.uk/activeschools – Active Schools
- www.edinburgh.gov.uk/schoolinspections – internal inspection reports and follow through reports
- www.edinburgh.gov.uk/bullying – Council’s policy on bullying and harassment