Purpose and Aims of the Course
This National 4 Hairdressing Course has been designed to provide a basic hairdressing qualification which reflects the initial skills required by the hairdressing industry. The Course will enable candidates to develop general and practical skills, knowledge and understanding, together with employability skills and attitudes needed to work in the hairdressing industry.
The target group for this Course is school candidates in S3 and above. It is anticipated that the course will build on existing partnerships between schools, Further Education colleges, employers and other training providers. Such partnerships will enable the Course to be delivered in a variety of appropriate learning environments with access to relevant teaching expertise.
The Course has been designed to meet the needs of the hairdressing industry and will offer a basic entry level qualification for those who have identified hairdressing as a possible career path. The knowledge and experiences acquired by candidates will not only enable candidates to work within the hairdressing industry but will also develop transferable competencies.
The general aims of this Course are to:
- provide candidates with a broad introduction to the hairdressing industry
- allow candidates to experience vocationally-related learning
- encourage candidates to develop a good work ethic
- encourage candidates to take responsibility for their own learning and development
- encourage candidates to develop their creativity
- provide opportunities to develop a range of Core Skills
- facilitate progression to further education and/or training
The specific aims of this Course are to:
- prepare candidates for work within the hairdressing industry
- begin to develop basic hairdressing skills
- develop good practice in maintaining a tidy and safe working environment ¨ develop an awareness of relevant health and safety issues
- develop self presentation skills
- develop a positive and responsible attitude to work
- develop communication and customer care skills
- develop aspects of the Core Skill of Working with Others
- encourage skills in setting personal goals, reviewing and evaluating
- encourage creativity
- build candidates’ confidence
- prepare candidates for further learning, study and training opportunities in hairdressing
Link to course page on SQA website here.
Link to Course Resources