Purpose and Aims of the Course


The purpose of the Course is to provide a broad practical experience of art and design and related critical activity. The Course provides opportunities for learners to be inspired and creatively challenged as they explore how to visually represent and communicate their personal thoughts, ideas and feelings through their work. Learners will investigate the factors influencing artists and designers work and practice and will use this understanding when developing and producing their creative expressive art and design work.


The skills that learners gain by successfully completing the Course will be valuable for learning, life and work. Learners will investigate and analyse how artists and designers have used materials, techniques and/or technology in their work, before experimenting with and using these when developing their ideas. They will develop creativity and problem solving skills when experimenting with and using materials, techniques and/or technology in creative ways. Critical thinking and reflective skills will also be developed as learners review and refine their work.


The aims of the Course are to enable learners to:

  • communicate personal thoughts, feelings and ideas through the creative use of art and design materials, techniques and/or technology
  • develop critical understanding of a range of art and design practice
  • plan, develop, produce and present creative art and design work
  • understand the impact of external factors on artists and designers and their work
  • develop creativity, problem solving, critical thinking and reflective practice skills


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